Case Study Title

Case Study abstract.  Brief description of the case study that leads into the solutions we provided. Case Study abstract.  Brief description of the case study that leads into the solutions we provided.  Case Study abstract.  Brief description of the case study that leads into the solutions we provided. Case Study abstract.  Brief description of the case study tha. Maybe just four sentences.

Client: Florida Optometry

Venue: Name of Venue

Platform: Virtual / Hybrid


The Monterey Bay Economic Partnership, a local non-profit organization needed to pivot their Annual Economic Summit, within 30 days, to a virtual solution that would allow for interaction among over 300 attendees. They needed a platform that would be simple for attendees to use and still allow them the ability to produce an informative and engaging event to tackle the most important issues facing the region.


Support full panel discussions with multiple presenters on at once collaborating on a predetermined topic. Production team arranged and provided guidance through rehearsals, practices and during the event. Event recordings are available on their website for extended visibility.


A successful event with more than 375 local leaders in attendance. They were also able to maintain their strong sponsorship relationships which helped them with overall funding for this event. Following this successful event, they anticipate going virtual for more meetings and have started their next phase of planning

Contact us and see how we can make your event successful