Sep 28 2020

As part of the transition to hybrid events, Encore Mexico developed a two-day event on July 29th and 30th in 2020, with conferences and panels with speakers from the US, Canada, Uruguay and different cities in Mexico, a Virtual Expo , contests in Social Media and the inclusion of a Social Responsibility Foundation, the event …

Principles of Hybrid: Impactful Events Wherever You Are

Jul 24 2020
Tom Ring
On July 17th, the UK government announced what we have all been waiting for: live performances can resume on August 1st, and conferences and business events on October 1st.  While this is great news for our industry, the threat of COVID-19 remains and events should follow our MeetSAFE guidelines to minimize risk. With this announcement, the longing ...

Two Critical Principles for Virtual Event Design

May 21 2020
Hint: It’s not about the platform Over the last two months (though it certainly feels much longer), our industry has frantically been pivoting live events to virtual event formats. For many, this meant rapidly researching a vast array of streaming providers, web conference solutions, and virtual event platforms. In the process, it’s also meant a ...